The memes with James that made Stephen blush… (Video)

The Second Round Matchup in the Western Conference is one not many would’ve imagined. 

The Golden State Warriors started the season 3-7, whereas LeBron James and the Lakers were 2-10 to start their season. 

Both the teams took on the odds and finished as the 6th and 7th seeds. 

Stephen Curry and the Warriors took down the Kings in the first round. On the other hand, the Lakers took care of the Grizzlies. 

After a sensational Game 1, there has been a photo of LeBron and Curry making the rounds on Twitter.

No, LeBron James did not kiss Stephen Curry. The image has been picked up by the user and modified using Artificial Intelligence. From what I can gather, it is a photograph from Game 4 of the 2018 Finals. The Warriors had swept the Cavaliers to win their third title in four years against LeBron.

With LeBron and Steph facing each other for the 5th time in the Playoffs, the fans are excited about this star-studded series. This may be the last time we see Steph and LeBron clash in the Playoffs, and that has fans going a little overboard.

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Source: Los Angeles Times (edited)

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