LeBron and Wade were caught up in rumors of falling out when appeared at the ESPY Awards (video)

The 2023 ESPY Awards took place on Wednesday night and Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James had multiple moments. 

He took home the award for Best Record Breaking Performance while also announcing that he will return for his 21st NBA season. 

But perhaps the moment that hit most close to home for him was being able to honor one of his closest friends in Carmelo Anthony.

Anthony was celebrated at the annual awards show for his contributions both on and off the court. 

Carmelo announced his retirement from the NBA a couple of months ago and will go down as one of the best pure scorers of his generation. 

That talent was on display even in his later years which included a season with the Lakers where he was able to team with LeBron.

James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Paul took the stage to honor their good friend at the 2023 ESPY Awards, via ESPN:

The group as a whole spoke on his dominance on the court with James noting how Anthony was ‘unstoppable’ at his best. But the group also focused on all of the work Carmelo has done in the community as well.

Paul mentioned how it was Anthony who inspired them to get on that same ESPY stage in 2016 and speak out against the racial injustices that plague the country and also noting his continued work with the Social Change Fund. Wade also spoke on the personal connection they made while at the Final Four in 2003 and how proud he has been to stand by his side ever since.

Carmelo also spoke, thanking his family, friends and the fans for inspiring him throughout his career and sticking beside him for his 20 year NBA career. Anthony added that he is looking forward to chasing his dreams and passions throughout the next phase of his life.

LeBron James confirms he will return to Lakers for 21st NBA season

James had some time to focus on himself during the ESPYs as well. LeBron was nominated for Best Record Breaking Performance, winning the award for breaking the NBA’s all-time scoring record previously held by Lakers legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

LeBron said that the day he can’t give his all to the game of basketball is the day he will hand it up for good. He would then add that “lucky for you guys, today is not that day,” confirming that he will be back in purple and gold looking to bring the Lakers that 18th NBA Championship.

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