How did NBA legend LeBron James save his teammates’ lives while on vacation? (video)

LeBron James is renowned for his heroics on the basketball court but the best demonstration of the NBA legend’s superhuman abilities actually came in waters.

The Los Angeles Lakers star came up with a huge act of heroism when he saved the life of teammate Carmelo Anthony while on vacation.

James, Anthony and both Chris Paul and Dwyane Wade make up ‘the Banana Boat Team’ – a phrase coined after a picture emerged of them on the inflatable while holidaying.

The quartet have been friends since their teen years and went on to become household names in NBA and help the US win a gold medal at the 2008 Olympics.

They regularly go on holiday together but one particular break could have turned out very badly for Anthony if it wasn’t for ‘King James’ bravery and courage.

On Instagram live talking to Wade, Anthony told the story of how James dived into the sea and displayed incredible strength to carry him back to safety when things got choppy in the water.

“The current is taking me to the middle of the ocean like opposite from the boat,” Anthony recalled, as per the Sports Rush.

“And it was windy and all types of s**t was going on in my head imma be honest with you. Then I look up at the boat…Bron jump off the boat like he’s MacGyver.

“He jumped off the boat into the water and he was bringing me back with one arm. He’s swimming with one arm and he carrying me with the other arm. That was special. He saved my life. Yo Bron I appreciate that…you saved my life that day!”

James has always been compared with fellow great Michael Jordan, but when it comes to abilities in water, it’s the former Cleveland Cavaliers man who takes it.

That’s because Jordan developed a phobia of water – also known as hydrophobia – after two traumatic and fatal incidents as a youngster saw people close to him drown.

“I’m not going in the water anymore,” he declared in his autobiography, ‘For the Love of the Game: My Story’.

“Everyone has a phobia about something. I stay away from water.”

The Chicago Bulls icon’s relationship with water has since approved but he has to stay on big boats and always needs a life jacket.

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