Cori Rist suddenly shared the content of Tiger texting another woman while lying in bed with her (video)

A single mother has told how Tiger Woods would send text messages to other women while he was in bed with her.

Cori Rist is the latest alleged mistress to speak out about the extramarital affairs of golf’s number one player.

Rist, who said she had a two-and-a-half year affair with Woods after meeting him at a Manhattan nightclub.

Said she was well aware Woods was sleeping with other women – besides his wife.

Speaking on television’s NBC Today, the 31-year-old said she realised Woods was seeing other women.

When she would wake up in the middle of the night and catch him texting from his mobile phone.

She said: ”I’d wake up in the night and he would be texting. I’d ask him what he was doing and he would say he was answering emails.

”I had this feeling, I knew it was something bigger.” 

Rist later wept during the interview when she spoke of her guilt and the pain she had caused Wood’s wife Elin.

Latest on the list of mistresses – which has reached 12 – is the newly named Julie Postle, a former nightclub waitress who is alleged to have had an affair with Woods after meeting him at the Roxy nightclub in Orlando, Florida five years ago.

Postle’s revelations, via a former boyfriend Brian Kimbrough, claim that Woods used the alias ‘Mr Brightside’ when calling Postle on his phone.

British paper, the Daily Mail, reported ”Mr Brightside” is the title of a Killers song about a jealous lover.

Kimbrough also told the paper that that Woods had told Postle that he married Elin Nordegren for publicity, not love.

”She said Tiger told her that his marriage was for publicity,” he told the New York Post.

”She said it was for his image, and the tabloids and wasn’t real.”

Postle, who now lives in Texas, has refused to comment.

In yet another twist, an investigative reporter has claimed nightclub hostess Rachel Uchitel has been given a US$5m payoff to buy her silence.

Gerald Posner claimed his information that would kill off Woods’ marriage, saying Uchitel, 34, has voicemail or text messages that are so explosive Woods is willing pay millions to stop them being made public.

Rist became the fourth woman to publicly admit to sleeping with Woods.

She said Woods told her he was unhappy in his marriage and only remained with Elin because she was pregnant.

Shei told the NBC Today show: ”He said that he was not happy at home with his wife, that he would stay there because she was pregnant and they  were expecting their first child.

”And because of his reputation and the image that he has, he had to uphold that.”

Rist said Woods pursued her to have an affair and offered to fly her to California, Dubai and Australia.

She broke down in tears when she spoke of the devastating effect being named as his mistress has had on her life and her seven-year-old son.

‘I have to sit down with my son and explain to him. It has been hard,’ she said.

‘I am ashamed of what I have done and feel guilty.’

Rist, who denied reports that she was worked as an escort, said she last heard from Woods in September.

”He invited me to go somewhere and I said no, and we kind of  had an argument  over the fact that I don’t make enough time for him, and that was it,” she told the TV show.

Rist said at the height of their affair Woods would book her into a hotel under an assumed name and make sure he had an adjoining room.

”He would just tell me, this is your room number, it’s under this name.

”I would go to my room then he would open the middle door – there were two rooms.”

Rist said it was an open secret that she was seeing Woods and that his close entourage of friends made sure the affair remained secret.

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